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A concealed duct system is a great way to improve comfort and control in a home. Many of these systems include a temperature sensor, which detects changes in the room temperature and adjusts the system temperature accordingly. These sensors can be installed on the air grille or wall-mounted controller. The temperature sensor is an excellent way to...

A concealed mini split system uses a ductwork system to deliver temperature-controlled air to the desired area of the home. The ductwork is short and can be easily installed in any room. These systems are ideal for homes with difficult spaces. They are also able to supply cool air to an adjacent, smaller room.

Concealed mini split systems are more efficient than traditional ducted systems. They can provide even coverage in large rooms and use short duct runs. These units can be installed almost anywhere. They are an excellent option for homes that have space constraints or want to improve the aesthetics of their home. A professional HVAC technician can...

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